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McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences
Mission The McLeod Institute of Simulation Sciences (MISS) is an initiative of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS).

The Institute is named after Mr. John McLeod, the founder of the Society and the first editor of its journal, "Simulation"

The MISS consists of co-operating Centers active in professionalism, research, education, and knowledge dissemination in the modeling and simulation (M&S) domain.
Modeling and simulation (M&S) is an enabling technology for:

• Decision making in system design, development, optimization, control, and acquisition, as well as for sensitivity analysis, planning, and prototyping
• Understanding
• Education and training to enhance decision making and/or motor skills
• Entertainment
• Supporting real system operations
• Enriching real system operations
The MISS aims to provide an organizational structure that will serve to integrate and enrich, within its Centers, the activities of modeling and simulation expertise throughout the world.
The mission of the MISS is to foster:
• The professionalism in modeling and simulation
• The advancement of the art and science of M&S
• The usage of M&S in all domains of applicability
• The education
• The dissemination of M&S-related knowledge
The mechanisms to achieve this mission include:
• Contributions to both the development of the profession and to its recognition within the scientific/technical community at large
• Development and exchange of educational materials (e.g., model curricula, and lecture material) and teaching resources (e.g., software)
• Dissemination of M&S knowledge through publications and in conferences and seminars
• Research projects carried out cooperatively by multiple organizations within the MISS
The MISS provides a framework within which Centers interested in modeling and simulation can interact, share expertise, and work on problems of common interest.
Some noteworthy features of the MISS are as follows:
1. Professionalism:
1.1 The MISS endorses and promotes professionalism in M&S and cooperates with other professional organizations in activities promoting/enhancing professionalism in M&S.
1.2 The MISS supports professional ethics in M&S and cooperates with other professional organizations with same concern.
2. Education:
2.1 It provides a forum for the exchange of new ideas and approaches in modeling and simulation education and training.
2.2 It is concerned with the development of model curriculum for M&S education. Development of such a curriculum is also to ease exchange of students and faculty members at national and international level.
2.3 The needs of modeling and simulation professionals are likewise being addressed at some organizations with the creation of appropriate study materials.
2.4 Student exchanges, which enrich the learning experience, are encouraged.
2.5 The Centers of the MISS are encouraged to co-operate in producing course material for education and training in the modeling and simulation domain.
2.6 Theses work at Ph.D. and Masters level are encouraged on M&S.
3. Research:
3.1 The MISS provides an excellent platform for networking for externally funded research. When preparing proposals for external funding, participating researchers have access to other researchers in the Centers of the MISS. Researchers in these Centers also benefit from increased opportunities to be included in other proposals.
3.2 Opportunities frequently exist for the exchange of faculty members and research staff between MISS Centers. The goal is to promote and facilitate co-operation and the formulation of collaborative projects among organizations at regional, national, and international levels.
3.3 The Centers of the MISS regularly exchange modeling and simulation software or serve as alpha and/or beta test sites for newly developed software. Organizations provide assistance to each other when problems arise in software development.
4. Dissemination of Knowledge:
4.1 The Centers of the MISS organize and/or support SCS sponsored M&S conferences throughout the World.
4.2 The results of research projects in modeling and simulation carried out within the member organizations are regularly presented at conferences and published in Journals and SCS publications.
4.3 The MISS provides a platform for professional seminar speakers on M&S.
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