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                       杜渐1,2 ,张兴1 ,赵宏鸣1 ,高阳1 ,曹强2 ,张新兰3
             (1. 北京仿真中心航天系统仿真重点实验室,北京  100854;

                        2. 武汉大学工业科学研究院,武汉  430072;
                                 3. 95983 部队,兰州  732750)

   应的数 学 模 型。 提 出 了 基 于 可 控 振 动 器 和 基 于 声 光 调 制 器 ( AOM, acousto - optical
   modulator) 的两种激光散射回波微多普勒效应物理仿真方法,并分别搭建了原理实验系
   统。 实验结果表明两种方法可以实现对激光回波频率的调制,基于可控振动方案仿真方

         中图分类号:TN249  文献标识码:A  文章编号:1004-731X (2019) 08-0000-08
         DOI 10.16182 / j.issn1004731x.joss.19-0391

        Research on Physical Simulation Method of Micro-
                Doppler Effect of Laser Scattering Echo

              Du Jian1,2 ,Zhang Xing1 , Zhao Hongming1 ,Gao Yang1 ,Cao Qiang2 ,Zhang Xinlan3

                  (1. Technology on Special System Simulation Laboratory, Beijing Simulation
                                       Center Science, Beijing  100854, China;

          2. The Institute of Technological Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan  430072, China;
                                  3. PLA Troop 95983, Lanzhou  732750, China)

  Abstract:In order to realize the physical simulation of the micro - Doppler effect of laser detection
  echo, a mathematical model of micro - Doppler effect for single - point motion is established. Two
  physics simulation methods for laser scattering echo micro-Doppler effect based on controllable vibrator
  and acousto-optical modulator are proposed, and two experiment systems are set up. The experimental
  results show that the two methods can achieve the modulation of laser wave echo. The advantage of the
  simulation scheme based on controllable vibration is that the simulation results are closer to the actual
  situation, but the frequency modulation range is smaller, while the scheme based on acousto-optical
  modulation has a large frequency modulation range, but it is difficult to overlap multiple motions.
  Key words: micro-Doppler effect; acousto-optical modulator; physical simulation methods; target

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