Page 14 - 中国仿真学会通讯2020第1期
P. 14

based on smart 3D to get the 3D point cloud of the
buildings in the scene, as shown in Figure 1. The
point cloud includes 13 buildings, totaling 7. 76
million points, about 147Mb.

Figure 1: The Point Clouds of Buildings.

      Figure 2 shows the overall workflow of the        Figure 2: The Flowchart of the Presented Method.
proposed approach. The algorithm applies to the
building that satisfy the Manhattan world           3  The Optimized Modeling Method
hypothesis. The method mainly consists of three
parts: preprocessing, reconstruction and post⁃            There are two problems with the existing
processing.                                         modeling methods. The first problem is that some
                                                    modeling methods only consider the modeling
      Pre⁃processing: We extract the point cloud    effect of the building roof or the building facade,
of the building separately in the scene based on    ignoring the integrity of the model as a whole. On
the Euclidean distance segmentation method. For     the other hand, it is difficult to resolve the
individual building, we adjust the vertical         contradiction between the complexity and the
direction so that the vertical direction is         fidelity of the model. Increasing the fidelity of the
approximately the same as the Z⁃axis direction.     model will increase the complexity of the model,
Then we segment and extract the facade and the      while reducing the complexity of the model will
roof point cloud of the building based on the       reduce the fidelity of the model. Therefore, the
difference in planar slices.                        method of this paper mainly solves these two
      Reconstruction: We reconstruct the building
facade based on the hierarchical reconstruction           For the first problem, the method proposed
method and reconstruct the building roof based on   in this paper reconstructs the facade and roof of
the block reconstruction method, which will be      the building separately. We reconstruct the
described in detail in subsequent chapters.         building facade based on Algorithm 1 and
                                                    Algorithm 2, and reconstruct the building roof
      Post⁃processing: We merge the facade model    based on Algorithm 3. Algorithm 1⁃Algorithm 3
and the roof model and clip unnecessary
polygons, leading to the final model. Then the                                                               11
realistic 3d model of the building can be obtained
through texture mapping.
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