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         Ma Tengfei, Wu Junyong, Hao Liangliang. Energy flow calculation and integrated simulation of micro-energy grid
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[31]   孔令国. 风光氢综合能源系统优化配置与协调控制策略研究[ D] . 北京: 华北电力大学, 2017.
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         Cai Guowei, Chen Chong, Kong Lingguo, et al. Modeling and control of grid - connected system of wind / PV /
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[34]   邹晓锐, 周晋, 邓星勇, 等. 太阳能-地源热泵耦合式热水系统优化匹配研究[ J] . 太阳能学报, 2017,
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         Zou Xiaorui, Zhou Jin, Deng Xingyong, et al. Research on optimal matching of solar-assisted ground-coupled
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